Booksellers and Librarians

Romance Writers of America is proud to forge a lasting relationship between authors and those responsible for putting their work in the hands of the public. To that end, we are pleased to provide a variety of resources and programs designed to benefit both booksellers and librarians.

Become an Affiliate Member

Romance-friendly booksellers and librarians who would like to become members of RWA may join as Affiliate members. Membership is $10 annually.

Affiliate members receive:

  • Member rate for the RWA Conference.
  • Access to a special discussion forum for romance-friendly booksellers and librarians.
  • The ability to join RWA chapters (all chapter membership fees apply).

Note: Affiliate members do not receive the RWR, shall not have any voting rights, or the right to hold office in RWA.

Download the Affiliate membership application (Adobe PDF File)

Librarian and Bookseller Events

  • Librarians Day at the RWA Conference: Check back for more information on this day of education, prizes, and fun!
  • American Library Association Conference: Check back for future RWA appearances at the ALA conference.

Awards, Grants and Collections


  • RWA staff is available to speak as romance genre experts on librarian and bookseller panels or webinars.
  • Add yourself to our list of "Libraries Seeking Foreign Editions" to receive donations of foreign edition romance novels from authors! Contact RWA with your library's information.
  • Hosting a special romance fiction event or opening a new romance fiction collection? Email Us to request promotional items to your store or library.
  • Download shelf talkers to use in your bookstore or library to promote your romance fiction collection.
  • Looking for a speaker for the next romance fiction event at your bookstore or library? Let us help you find an author through our Speakers Bureau.
  • See which romances hit the bestseller lists each week.
  • Get ideas for Romantic Displays for your library.