Message from the President - September 2024 RWR

I am beyond excited and honored to serve as your 2024/2025 President, and I want to take a moment to share a bit about the journey that led me here. It all started at my very first RWA Annual Conference in July 2016, in San Diego, California. I remember sitting at the Annual General Meeting, watching the Directors-at-Large on stage, and thinking to myself, "One day, I'll be sitting up there too." That moment planted the seed for my journey—not just as a published author but as a leader within RWA.


Follow These Six Easy Research Steps to Build a World that Is Fictional—But Rings True

By Ann Kellett
Posted 9/26/2024

Love it or hate it, research is one of our most important responsibilities as writers. 

Insert today’s slang into an Edwardian-era novel—even once—for example, and you not only throw knowledgeable readers out of the narrative, but you deprive others of an authentic experience.

Here’s one step-by-step process for turning research into simple, doable tasks.


6 Writing Traps that Kill Your Sales in Chapter One

By Adrienne deWolfe
Posted 9/26/2024

Signed up for a live pitch event and want to make the best of it? Tried live-pitching already but the agent was visibly untouched and passed on your book? Never dared to sign up cause it feels like the most daunting thing in the world? My friend, I hear you. And I brought you 6+1 pro-tips, all based on experience and research, that will ease your worries and help you excel at this very special (and often very expensive) step of your writer’s journey. 

8 Tips for Successful Networking at a Live Writers’ Conference

By Adrienne deWolfe
Posted 9/26/2024

Believe it or not, live writer’s conferences still exist in the world. A savvy networker can advance their career by leaps and bounds at such events — assuming, of course, that they know how to “work the crowd.” 

Networking is word-of-mouth advertising. If you've ever asked a friend for a restaurant recommendation, or if you’ve ever urged a relative to visit your favorite salon, then you've networked. 

Business networking transpires when two or more professionals meet face-to-face to exchange mutually beneficial information. For example, one of the largest writers’ organizations in the United States hosts a live conference every summer in my hometown. For 30 years, the Writers League of Texas has sponsored contests for unpublished authors; face-to-face appointments with New York editors and agents; and a plethora of presentations about craft and business. 


Scenes and Sequels: The (Relatively) Easy Way to Plot Your Novel

By Ann Kellett
Posted 9/26/2024

If it’s true—as F. Scott Fitzgerald claimed—that “character is plot and plot is character,” then the scene-and-sequel approach to novel writing makes the task of plotting much easier. This approach was developed by the late Dwight Swain, an author and screenwriter who taught at the University of Oklahoma, and in my opinion as a fiction editor, is one of the best.

Family Drama ~ Powerful Tools for Subplot

By Renee Carter
Posted 9/26/2024

Family can bring joy, pain and frustration. This is exactly why they are ideal for subplot. Let’s look at the various types and how they can enrich your plot.

  1. Large & Chaotic ~Your MC (Main Characters) grew up with many siblings. Loud voices boomed throughout the house. Sundays and holidays known to be wilder with visits from extended family. This environment is one they thrive in.

  2. The Smother Bunch~ This family comes in small, medium and large sizes. Secrets are rare and boundaries are few. Their love for each other equates giving their opinions and popping over each other’s houses at will.


Want to Excel at Live-Pitching Literary Agents? 6+1 Pro-Tips to Raise You Above the Crowd

By Felicia Salber
Posted 9/26/2024

Signed up for a live pitch event and want to make the best of it? Tried live-pitching already but the agent was visibly untouched and passed on your book? Never dared to sign up cause it feels like the most daunting thing in the world? My friend, I hear you. And I brought you 6+1 pro-tips, all based on experience and research, that will ease your worries and help you excel at this very special (and often very expensive) step of your writer’s journey. 

The "Write" Way to do Writers' Conferences

By Casey Cline
Posted 9/26/2024

I'm a brand-new author, and I recently attended my first two writers' conferences within two weeks of each other. If I learned anything from these experiences, it's that there will always be more to learn, even for those authors who have already scaled the steep learning curve I'm still clawing my way up. 

So, with such a growth mindset, here is this newbie's perspective on the "write" way to do writers' conferences. 


Message from the President - August 2024 RWR

And here we stand, at the beginning of my last message to RWA members as president. Back in January 2022 when I received a call from LS, I knew if I agreed to step into the role of RWA President it would be until I was certain RWA had weathered its storms.


Chapter Spotlight: Washington Romance Writers

Spotlighting RWA chapters
Posted 8/29/2024

Once upon a time, in a big bustling city far far away, Washington Romance Writers was one of the largest local chapters in RWA. (That would be Washington, DC, not our larger and rainier cousins in Washington State; hi, y’all!) At our biggest, WRW had nearly 300 members. Oh, Lance—hold me! Such a crush. The mind fairly boggles!


The Windupand the Pitch! Part 2

By Janet Butler
Posted 8/29/2024

Writing conferences are valuable for learning new information, networking, and making progress in your writing and publishing journey. But they’re only for extroverts, right?

No, they’re for everyone!

I attended the national RWA conference last year and had a blast, even though I’m not your classic extrovert.

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