What Are PAN and PRO?

RWA welcomes writers at all stages of their careers from the unpublished, to the "almost" published, to the published and the multipublished. In an effort to meet the needs of all its members, RWA has several communities of people who come together with a common interest to share ideas, find solutions, and build innovations.

Published Authors Network (PAN)

A community for writers who have published a Romance Fiction novel or novella.

  • Connect with other published romance authors
  • Have your name listed on our Published Authors page
  • Access to PAN-only events


A community for writers who have completed a Romance Fiction manuscript, but have not published in Romance Fiction.

  • Connect with writers who are at the same career stage as you
  • Learn the business of writing
  • Take the next steps to further your career
More Info
Apply for PAN
More Info
Apply for PRO