Speakers Bureau

RWA can help connect libraries, bookstores, writing groups, book clubs, and other organizations with romance authors for in-person and/or online events.

Listed below are just some of the ways romance authors can interact with the book buying/library community.

  • Author interviews
  • Book signings
  • Guest blogging
  • Keynote speeches and workshops
  • Podcasts Readings
  • Skype and other online events

Romance Writers of America has a vast network of published authors, so we’re sure you’ll find the right speaker for your group or event.

Requesting an Author

Send an email to [email protected] with the details regarding your event and the name of the speaker (or type of speaker you'd like). Once we receive your request, we’ll send the information on to the author (who will contact you from there).

For further information about RWA's Speakers Bureau, email [email protected].