The Voice of Romance Writers

Romance Writers of America® (RWA) is a nonprofit trade association whose mission is to advance the professional and common business interests of career-focused romance writers through networking and advocacy and by increasing public awareness of the romance genre. RWA works to support the efforts of its members to earn a living, to make a full-time career out of writing romance—or a part-time one that generously supplements their main income.

RWA is committed to providing all of its members with an environment free from discrimination and harassment. RWA does not discriminate against or allow harassment of any member based on race, ethnicity, religion, color, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity or expression, ancestry, pregnancy, or any other basis prohibited by law. In order to create a safe and respectful environment, discrimination and harassment of any sort is prohibited in RWA.

What RWA stands for:

  • Romance writers have the right to reasonable remuneration and preservation of authorial and intellectual property rights.
  • Literacy is individually and culturally vital.
  • Storytelling is fundamental to human experience: romance fiction explores issues of universal and eternal human interest.
  • United, romance writers are a powerful community.

RWA's internal core values:

  • RWA belongs to its members.
  • RWA fosters an environment of creative and professional growth.
  • RWA thrives through the free exchange of ideas, knowledge, and diverse career experiences.