RWA Strategic Plan: 2018–2021
Approved March 2018
Goal: RWA is considered the informational hub for the romance genre.
- Strategy: Create infrastructure for the hub
- Tactic: Determine who is in charge of developing the hub
- Tactic: Identify educational needs of members and potential members
- Action Item: Gather data through regular member outreach to keep RWA on the forefront of publishing tactics, author concerns, helping RWA keep content fresh and relevant
- Action Item: Audit content we currently have to find holes
- Tactic: Create incentives for members to contribute content/share knowledge on hub
- Action Item: Fees for RWR articles, RWA U presenters, conference workshop presenters
- Tactic: Develop coordinated educational offerings between all media outlets (RWR, RWA U, workshops, eNotes)
- Strategy: Be viewed as leaders in changing publishing models and income streams
- Tactic: Identify people in the community who have knowledge
- Tactic: Determine how to compensate/reward forward-thinking leaders
- Tactic: Be more nimble as an organization
- Tactic: Communicate reasons for changes
- Tactic: Evaluate current programs for effectiveness and, if no longer effective, take appropriate action (e.g., Golden Heart contest and Editor/Agent Appointments).
- Strategy: Be the source of industry statistics and other market information
- Tactic: Commission reader and industry surveys
- Tactic: Make survey results available to public so that RWA is sourced in articles, research, etc.
Goal: RWA is considered the premier community for romance writers and industry professionals.
- Strategy: Restore culture of trust among current community members
- Tactic: Ensure all members are aware of community standards
- Tactic: Create a publicity/communication plan for RWA values
- Strategy: Reach out to writers who are not currently part of the RWA community
- Tactic: Identify concerns these writers have about joining RWA
- Tactic: Develop communications/recruitment plan to attract new members (see below)
- Strategy: Ensure that RWA membership is diverse and inclusive
- Tactic: Request members to voluntarily provide demographic data once annually after the new iMIS software has been implemented.
- Tactic: Identify ways to include members from a wide range of Diverse Backgrounds in RWA programs and services.
- Tactic: Identify and recruit board, committee, and chapter leaders from among diverse members
- Tactic: Request feedback from diverse members regarding experiences with publishers, agents, booksellers and librarians in order for RWA to provide programming to those related industry professionals.
- Tactic: Continue to fund Spectrum Grants
- Tactic: Continue to work with publishers and agents to provide an equal playing field for writers regardless of their race, gender, sexuality or religion.
- Strategy: Be known as advocate for romance writers
- Tactic: Maintain open lines of communication with all vendors and publishers
- Action Item: Staff recommends a reception for staff, RWA leaders, vendors, and industry professionals at the 2019 conference in New York.
- Tactic: Identify threats (e.g., scammers), research potential solutions, and communicate them to members
- Tactic: Publicize successes both internally to RWA members and externally to potential members
- Action Item: Create space on new website for quotes/testimonials
- Action Item: Use current communications tools (i.e., eNotes, RWR, social media) to communicate successes to members and nonmembers
- Strategy: Help people find their peers within RWA
- Tactic: Identify communities in RWA with specific needs
- Tactic: Determine if current communities of practice are meeting the members’ needs
- Tactic: Develop means for networking and information sharing among members with specific needs.
- Strategy: Strengthen chapters
- Tactic: Provide chapters with resources they need (staff support, technology, management templates)
- Tactic: Provide more frequent education for chapter leaders
- Strategy: Restructure the RITA so it will continue to meet its goals
- Tactic: Evaluate current judging system and implement changes
- Tactic: Find a way to accommodate all romance novels
Goal: RWA’s membership model supports the organization’s mission and goals
- Strategy: Increase associate member base
- Tactic: Identify what incentivizes associate members to join
- Strategy: Increase general membership base
- Tactic: Run a dedicated membership campaign
- Action Item: Allocate adequate funding for the campaign.
- Tactic: Identify and reach out to potential members who do not feel RWA is the place for them
- Tactic: Run dedicated PR campaign around Goals 1 and 2 to show potential members that RWA is where they can find the Information and Community they need to become successful romance writers
- Action Item: Allocate adequate funding for the campaign.
- Strategy: Examine the communities of practice structure and potentially transition to interest group-based communities
- Tactic: Define interest groups needed
- Tactic: Determine best way for members to access interest groups
- Tactic: Create group rules and moderation formats