Elections Information

Every August, RWA conducts an annual election of the Board of Directors. (The Board year begins on September 1 and ends August 31.)

Important Dates and Candidate Requirements

Members interested in running for a Board position must declare their intent to run, in writing, by July 12, 2024. Declarations or questions on running for the Board of Directors may be sent to [email protected].

Required candidate documentation:

  • signed Election Certification Form;
  • biography of not more than 100 words;
  • a photograph (optional);
  • proof of credentials (proof of serious pursuit of a writing career—PRO or Golden Heart entry; if claim publication, then must submit copyright information on an Eligible Novel or proof of RITA entry. Other proof required of President-Elect and Treasurer candidates.); and
  • a current signed Director Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form.

Required documentation must be submitted by July 12, 2024.

On Monday, August 5, 2024, the RWA election coordinator will send eligible members their voting information. If you do not receive your election email by August 6, 2024, please contact [email protected]. Voting will conclude on Monday, August 12, 2024. 

Election results are announced August 19, 2024, and the Board takes office on September 1, 2024.