Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access (DEIA) Training

Romance Writers of America is committed to fostering inclusion and equity for all of our members. In an effort to champion diversity within our organization and the publishing industry, we worked with Dr. Devona F. Pierre, Director of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, & Title IX Coordinator at St. Petersburg College, to develop training on diversity, equity, inclusion and access for our members and chapter leaders.

These training modules have been developed to foster knowledge of these subjects and to better help guide membership in behaviors that foster inclusive environments. Having all members educated and aware will help to build a stronger more inclusive RWA.


  1. Click on the video link next to each module title to watch the training video.
  2. After you watch the video, click the button to take the quiz.
  3. After you take the quiz, return to this page and click the video link of the next module.
  4. Repeat these steps until you have watched each video and taken each quiz.

If you have any questions or run into trouble with the videos or quizzes, please email [email protected].

Training Modules
