Advertise in RWA's Indie Author Weekend Digital Program


Digital Program Ad Space (with link)

  • Inside Front or Back Cover $250
  • Full-page $150
  • Half-page $100
  • Fourth-page $75

Digital Program Ad Space (without link)

  • Full-page $100
  • Half-page $75
  • Fourth-page $45

Buy one ad space in one digital program and get 25% off one additional ad space of equal size and value. RWA chapters will receive one free full-page ad (with link).

Digital Banner (slideshow) Space

  • Conference Opening (4 spaces available)
    • 45-seconds $150
    • 30-seconds $100
    • 15-seconds $75
  • Conference Sessions/Breaks
    • 20-seconds $65
    • 10-seconds $45
    • 5-seconds $35
  • Conference Closing (3 spaces available)
    • 45-seconds $150
    • 30-seconds $100
    • 15-seconds $75

Buy one digital banner ad space and get 25% off the purchase of a second digital banner ad space of equal length. RWA chapters will receive three free 5-second banner ads during each day of the virtual mini-conference (opening, one break, and closing).


Ads must be sent to RWA camera-ready. RWA does not design ads.


To reserve your ad, please email [email protected].

Submitting Artwork

Email camera ready artwork and your URL to [email protected].

Artwork and payment are due 2 weeks before your reserved spot.

Fine Print

Advertising in RWA's Digital Program is open to all individuals and firms. However, all advertising is accepted at the discretion of RWA. Publication of advertising does not constitute an endorsement, and RWA is not liable for any products or services advertised. Advertising material from anyone against whom an unresolved formal complaint has been filed with the professional relations committee will not be published. RWA’s liability to advertisers is limited to refunds of the advertising fees collected.

Ad spots that are reserved, but not paid for, will be forfeited if payment is not received by the due date.

Ads are refundable if canceled 30 days prior to payment due date. Cancelations received within 30 days of payment due date will only be refunded if RWA is able to resell the reserved space/slot.